Volume : V, Issue : VI, June - 2015


Jennifer Suhasini. S, Dr. Yuvaraj Babu. K

Abstract :

 AIM:– To study about craniosynostosis. OBJECTIVE:– The purpose of the study is to analyse published studies in order to provide a summary about craniosynostosis. BACKGROUND:– Craniosynostosis (sometimes called craniostenosis) is a disorder in which there is early fusion ofthe sutures of the skull in childhood. It produces an abnormally shaped head and appearance of the face. When there is no other involvement besides the skull growth plates, the condition is termed Non–Syndromic Craniosynostosis.Treating craniosynostosis usually involves surgery to separate the fused bones. If there's nounderlying ain abnormality, the surgery allows your baby’s ain adequate space to grow and develop

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Jennifer Suhasini.S, Dr. Yuvaraj Babu.K CRANIOSYNOSTOSIS Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 6 June 2015

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