Volume : V, Issue : I, January - 2015

Cranial Anatomical Landmarks For Helical Computed Tomography (CT) Visualization of Rabbit Bulbourethral Glands

Rosen Dimitrov

Abstract :

The bulbourethral glands of ten sexually mature clinically healthy rabbits 12 months of age, from the New Zealand white rabbit eed with weight between 2.8 kg and 3.2 kg were studied.The animals were positioned in ventrodorsal (supine) recumbence. Contrast enhancement was applied. The glands were visualized by helical anatomic CT at the transverse plane through the cranial part of the 2nd coccygeal vertea (dorsally), tabula of ischium (laterally) and the sciatic part of the pelvic symphysis(ventrally). Wecanthereforeconcludethatcontrastanatomical helical СТ study of the rabbit bulbourethral glandsis definitive to be obtained imaging anatomical data for the glandular morphology.

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Rosen Dimitrov Cranial Anatomical Landmarks For Helical Computed Tomography (CT)Visualization of Rabbit Bulbourethral Glands Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 1 January 2015

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