Volume : IV, Issue : I, January - 2014

Costal Osteochondroma Presenting as Intercostal Neuralgia

Dr. Devendra Vartak, Dr Ashish Ranade

Abstract :

Osteochondroma is a cartilage capped bony growth arising from the growing end of the bone. Osteochondromas are common amongst all benign bone tumours. In ribs, osteochondromas constitute 2.7-8.5% of primary rib tumours excluding myeloma [1]. Although asymptomatic, rib osteochondroma may be associated with complications like hemothorax and pericardial effusion [2-5]. We report a case of a large osteochondroma involving right 9th rib in a 9 year old boy, which was compressing over lung and liver and causing symptoms of intercostal nerve compression. It was excised to decompress the intercostal nerve and prevent disastrous complications.

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Dr. Devendra Vartak, Dr Ashish Ranade Costal Osteochondroma Presenting as Intercostal Neuralgia Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue. I

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