Volume : IV, Issue : II, February - 2014

Correlation of Anxiety& Eeg Pattern in Young Adults

Anuradha Iyer Rajan

Abstract :

The present study was undertaken to find out the correlation between subjective and objective measure of anxiety with EEG pattern . A sample of 67 medical students, was drawn from the I MBBS batches and they were tested for subjective anxiety scores by using Rastogi’ Self-evaluation scale for anxiety which measured three types of anxiety scores, state, trait and free-floating anxiety. These subjective anxiety scores were correlated with Alpha index(AI) and Alpha appearance time(AAT) in EEG. The correlation of anxiety scores with EEG pattern showed that there is a negative correlation of Alpha index with anxiety trait score(ATS) which is statistically significant . There is a positive correlation between Alpha appearance time and ATS which is statistically significant. There is no statistically significant correlation between Alpha index, Alpha appearance time and Anxiety state score (ASS) and Free-floating anxiety score(AFS). Hence Alpha index and Alpha appearance time in EEG are good objective measures of anxiety trait.

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Anuradha Iyer Rajan Correlation of Anxiety& Eeg Pattern in Young Adults Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue. II

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