Volume : X, Issue : V, May - 2020

Correlation between EDD and Spontaneous Onset of Labour in Normal Pregnancy.

Basanta Manjari Hota, Naimisha Movva, B Kavitha, Gopinath Radha Greeshma

Abstract :

Introduction: The duration of human pregnancy is 280 days or 40 weeks. Expected date of delivery (EDD) is important to know the foetal maturity. It is calculated by Naegele’s rule and first trimester ultrasound (T–1scan). Materials and methods: 200 eligible patients were studied to find out the day of spontaneous labour in relation to the EDD calculated by both Naegele’s rule and by T–1scan for each patient. Results: By Naegele’s rule, the average period of gestation was 273 days, where 5.5% cases developed labour on EDD, 20.5% cases at 37 weeks, 23% cases at 38 weeks, 34.5% cases at 39weeks, 20% cases at 40 weeks and 02% cases at 41 weeks of gestation. In EDD by T1 scan average duration of pregnancy was 272.3 days, where 4.5% cases had labour on EDD, 16.5% cases at 37 weeks, 26% cases at 38 weeks, 38.5% cases at 39 weeks, 18% cases at 40 weeks and 01% case at 41weeks of gestation. Conclusion: This study shows that EDD gives a rough idea about the day of spontaneous labour

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CORRELATION BETWEEN EDD AND SPONTANEOUS ONSET OF LABOUR IN NORMAL PREGNANCY., Basanta Manjari Hota, Naimisha Movva, B Kavitha, Gopinath Radha Greeshma INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-10 | Issue-5 | May-2020

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