Volume : I, Issue : XI, August - 2012
Corporate Social Responsibility– An Analytical Case Study
Soheli Ghose
Abstract :
There is growing interest among managers in the antecedents and consequences of CSR, especially for executives at multinational companies. In order to draw from the vast talent pool coming up in developing countries, companies need to gain a foothold in these emerging markets by establishing sound business practices addressing social and cultural concerns of the people. World Business Council for Sustainable Development defines Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as “The continuing commitment by business to behave ethically and contribute to economic development while improving the quality of life of the workforce and their families as well as of the local community and society.” Only firms that have gained the goodwill of the public and are ideal corporate citizens will be to develop these intangible assets into strategic advantages. In this context I have studied the possible impact of CSR investment on Sales of few companies selected at random from the sectors like Paper, Financial Services, Software and ITES and Banking to see whether there is any significant correlation between the two.
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DOI : 10.36106/ijar
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Soheli Ghose Corporate Social Responsibility- An Analytical Case Study Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.I, Issue.XI August 2012
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Soheli Ghose Corporate Social Responsibility- An Analytical Case Study Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.I, Issue.XI August 2012
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