Volume : III, Issue : X, October - 2013

Corporate Social Responsibility for Community or Business: Incidence from Odisha

Dr. Dharmendra Kumar Mishra

Abstract :

In the recent years business operations by different companies, mostly Multi National Companies (MNCs) and Private Companies (PCs) are being closely observed by the Social Activist Groups (SAGs), Non Government Organizations (NGOs) and Media, which has made pressure on companies to closely monitor the social and environmental implications of their business operations. This research paper tries to make an analysis of the motives behind Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) expenditure of some selected companies of Odisha, based on both primary data collected through personal discussion and secondary data. Whether the expenditure incurred by these companies on CSR activities has some social interests or other hidden business interests. Is it a demand driven function or supply driven function? Does the social issues on which CSR focuses is really the need of the community or it is proposed by the companies or somebody else, may be the government, local administration, people representatives, non government organizations and leaders of the political parties in power. What constitute periphery of a business and who will identify it. These are some issues which need to be addressed and require further studies. This study also put a light on the functioning of the Rehabilitation Peripheral Development Advisory Committee (RPDAC) constituted by the Government Odisha to monitor the Rehabilitation, Resettlement and CSR activities

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Dr. Dharmendra Kumar Mishra / Corporate Social Responsibility for Community or Business: Incidence from Odisha / Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.3, Issue.10 October 2013

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