Volume : V, Issue : IV, April - 2015

Corporate Social Responsibility: Can't Be Denied by The Indian Corporate

Jagdish M. Mulchandani

Abstract :

 The CSR is not the innovative concept for the corporate world working in INDIA. Today, the concept of 

CSR has become an inevitable concept it a business world has to develop, grow or has to survive even 
in the this cut throat competition. In India, as in the rest of the world there is a growing awareness that capital markets 
and corporations are, after all, created by society and must therefore serve it, not merely profit from it. If this concept 
has to be developed then the entrepreneurs have to change their attitude towards business of earning profit only. The 
main drivers of CSR have been the shrinking role of government, demands for greater disclosure, increased customer 
interest, grown investor pressure, competitive labour markets and supplier’s relations. This paper tries to highlight the 
CSR status in India and the CSR practices performed by the Indian corporate.

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JAGDISH M. MULCHANDANI Corporate Social Responsibility: Can't Be Denied by The Indian Corporate Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 4 April 2015

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