Volume : I, Issue : VI, March - 2012

Corporate Governance

Kalola Rimaben A. , Chauhan Lalit R.

Abstract :

In present, there are new word’s in corporate world such as; ‘corporate governance’. Governance means Management or Control. In 1990, For oke down of principal business and made millions pounds of loses of worlds economics development countries. In the most of those business the main reasons is management. Therefore, to develop all the economical world it is highly recommended to accept good governance. Here, there are concerned most important topic in corporate governance. Core principles is important matter in corporate governance Cornerstones are Transparency, Trusteeship, control etc…and Roles is important points of corporate governance. In roles are Board of Directors, Corporate Management Committee, Divisional Management Committee, Divisional CEO and Executive Director. In any corporate business, good governance is most important corporate governance grow up trust of investors, In short “corporate governance is about promoting corporate fairness, transparency and accountability”.

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Kalola Rimaben A., Chauhan Lalit R. Corporate Governance Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.I, Issue.VI March 2012

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