Volume : IX, Issue : IV, April - 2019


Dr G. S. Sivakumar, Dr B Rajesh, Dr S Sathishkumar, Dr. S. Balasubramanian, Dr S. R. Veeramani, Dr G. Selvarani, Dr. R. R. Saravanan, Dr R. Ramesh, Dr. T. R. Hemanath, Dr. G. Nagasundar, Dr M. Saravanan

Abstract :

AIM: In type 2 diabetic patients coronary artery disease is usually detected at an advanced stage due to a lack of symptoms .The aim of this study was CORONARY ANGIOGRAPHIC CORRELATION in LONG TERM DIABETIC patients WITH TMT POSITIVITY METHOD : Fifty asymptomatic type2 diabetic patients of more than 5 years duration , were randomly selected without any other risk factor. The basic investigations like ECG ,ECHO,TMT were conducted in all patients and coronary angiography was done in all TMT positive patients. The clinical parameters,diabetic status ,and coronary angiography findings were analysed . RESULTS : The prevalence of CAD in our study was 20%. The duration on diabetes correlated well with prevalence of CAD . In our study , patients with diabetetic patients of more than 10 years had 67% prevalence of CAD . CONCLUSIONS: We recommend a routine screening for CAD in type 2 diabetic patients of longer duration (10 years of diabetes) even if they are asymptomatic for CAD .

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CORONARY ANGIOGRAPHIC CORRELATION OF LONG TERM DIABETIC WITH TMT POSITIVITY, Dr G.S.Sivakumar, Dr B Rajesh, Dr S Sathishkumar, Dr.S.Balasubramanian, Dr S.R.Veeramani, Dr G.Selvarani, Dr.R.R.Saravanan, Dr R.Ramesh, Dr.T.R.Hemanath, Dr.G.Nagasundar, Dr M.Saravanan INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-9 | Issue-4 | April-2019

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