Volume : IV, Issue : I, January - 2014

Corneal Tattooing (Keratopigmentation) to Achieve Good Cosmetic Results in Traumatic Anirida Patient

Dr. Dudhabhate Anil D. , Dr Gore Harishchandra D. , Dr. Kulkarni Suhas S.

Abstract :

A,42 year male presented to tertiary care hospital in Mumbai, with chief complaints of glare and photophobia in left eye since one month. He had history of penetrating injury to left eye with bull horn, one & half month back, while working in the field. Removal of prolapsed iris and corneal tear suturing was done in peripheral hospital.

Left eye showed finger counting from 3 meters with projection of light in all quadrants. Slit lamp examination of left eye showed leucomatous opacity in inferior one fourth of cornea and total anirida. Fundus examination of left eye showed temporal pallor.Corneal tattooing (Keratopigmentation) was done with 30 gauge needle and mixed black, yellowish own colour pigment in irregular format to recreate better iris crest & colour. Patient became symptomatically better & also cosmetically satisfied. We found that there was no fading of colour, even after 6 months.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijar  

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Dr. Dudhabhate Anil D., Dr Gore Harishchandra D., Dr. Kulkarni Suhas S. Corneal Tattooing (Keratopigmentation) to Achieve Good Cosmetic Results in Traumatic Anirida Patient Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue. I

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