Volume : IV, Issue : III, March - 2014

Contribution of APMC UNJHA in Rural Development

Prof Dr. Baldev M. Patel

Abstract :

 APMC Unjha is a leading and prestigious market yard. In this market yard, Cumin, Souff, Isabgol and other products are bought and sold on large scale. Farmers from saurashtra, Kutch, Sabarkantha, Banaskantha, Rajasthan and M.P. come here to sell their products. In APMC products are sold by Auction as well as they are measured on electronic weigh machine. The farmers are paid for their products immediately. APMC Unjha was established on 23/10/1954 under department of Development, Mumbai state, Notification No: PMA 10154 19/8/54. It is managed under 1963 Gujarat Agriculture product Market act. APMC tries to maintain the selling rights of the farmers and gives funds to the rural regions for their development. For this, APMC helps all class of society monetarily also. For, this APMC has selected important fields like Agriculture, Health, Education, Security, Government partnership, Natural calamities, service to mankind and Enlightned activities.

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PROF (Dr.) BALDEV M.PATEL Contribution of APMC UNJHA in Rural Development Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue. III

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