Volume : VI, Issue : VII, July - 2016

Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation: A Study of Attitude of D.EL.ED. Students

Rasmi Ranjan Das, Bijay Kumar Swain, Kalpana Pattanayak

Abstract :

 The present study is delimited to the students of DIET, Balasore, Remuna. Data were collected using an attitude scale having 41 statements made on various assessment practices. Results showed that a higher proportion of the D.El.Ed. student teachers seemed to display their positive attitudes toward CCE. In the present study the following important characteristics of the attitudes of D.El.Ed. student teachers toward CCE has been noticed. First, D.El.Ed. student teachers seemed to display positive attitudes toward most of the continuous assessment practices. Second, gender might not be important factors in D.El.Ed. student teachers’ attitudes toward CCE practices. Thus, it can be concluded that the attitude of D.El.Ed. students of DIET, Remuna towards CCE has found to be encouraging

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Rasmi Ranjan Das, Bijay Kumar Swain, Kalpana Pattanayak Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation: A Study of Attitude of D.EL.ED. Students Indian Journal of Applied Research,Volume : 6 | Issue : 7 | July 2016

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