Volume : VI, Issue : I, January - 2016

Contemporary Definitions of the Architectural Sublime

Prof. Resha Patil, Ar. Vinod Patil

Abstract :

 Research is to study different expressions in architecture & architectural language. Even if thee expressions are contradictory they are inseparable. Paper describes postmodern theorist Peter Eisenman & Anthony Vidler’s view about architectural sublime. Peter Eisenman has compared sublime with ‘grotextes’ & Anthony Vidler has compared it with ‘uncanny’. Both of them are trying to say that grotexts & uncanny are necessary to sense Sublime. Vidler describes an understanding of the uncanny may be crucial to an understanding of contemporary deconstructionist architecture. He analyzed different post modernists architect’s projects in order to reveal how contemporary architecture makes use of the uncanny, on the one hand, to criticize traditional architectural narratives, and on the other hand, to express the core of our postmodern condition.

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Prof. Resha Patil, Ar. Vinod Patil Contemporary Definitions of the Architectural Sublime Contemporary Definitions of the Architectural Sublime Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 1 January 2016

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