Volume : VI, Issue : IV, April - 2016


Prof. Sonia Aggarwal

Abstract :

 In a developing country like India where the incidence of poverty and unemployment is very high and the level of literacy is very low, the people face a volume of problems, particularly in the context of consumer related issues. Unlike in the developed world, consumers in these countries have not been able to play a greater role in the development process. The process of development coupled with increasing liberalisation and globalisation across the country has enabled consumers to realise their increasingly important role in society and governance. However, concentration of the market power in the hands of a select few has affected consumers‘ behaviour over time. Through this paper an emphasis has been to explore consumerism as too much too soon syndrome in India.

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PROF. SONIA AGGARWAL CONSUMERISM:TOO MUCH TOO SOON SYNDROME Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 4 April 2016

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