Volume : III, Issue : IX, September - 2013

Consumer Psychology towards Supermarkets

M. Hameedunissa

Abstract :

Consumer psychology is a specialty area that studies the thoughts, beliefs, feelings and perceptions influence how people buy and relate to goods and services. The Retail Sector is the largest sector in India after agriculture. India has the most unorganized retail market in the world. The Retail Industry in India is today amongst the fastest growing industries with several players entering the market. This sector was un–organized in the initial stage, now it is growing as supermarket and hypermarket. According to consumer, a supermarket is: put what into your trolley and go through the check – out. Behind the scenes though, psychology is used a lot to define what products and ands you buy in super markets. The paper will mention the impact of organized retailing on unorganized sector. The study will indicate about the consumer psychology towards super markets.

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M. Hameedunissa Consumer Psychology towards Supermarkets Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.IX September 2013

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