Volume : I, Issue : X, July - 2012

Consumer Behaviour And Marketing Actions

Dr. A. Jayakumar, K. Kalaiselvi

Abstract :

Consumer behaviour analysis combines theories and findings from marketing science, consumer research, and behaviour analysis/behavioural economics. Research in this field covers the whole gamut of experimental and quasi–experimental designs from traditional laboratory formulations to more open investigations of consumer behaviour in simulated and natural environments. The main study is to examine the factors which influence the consumer decision process and purchasing durable goods. A problem that arises is that of interpreting real–world consumer behaviour in terms of experimental and survey research. This special issue contains papers that examine consumer choice over a range of laboratory and naturalistic settings, which demonstrates the progress that is being made in this new sub–discipline and exemplifies the variety of interpretations of consumer choice it makes available.

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Dr.A.Jayakumar,K.Kalaiselvi Consumer Behaviour And Marketing Actions Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.I, Issue.X July 2012

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