Volume : III, Issue : III, March - 2013

Consumer Attitude Towards Internet Advertisement

S. Chandra Vathana Nila, Dr. N. Kalyana Raman

Abstract :

Now–a–days it is very important for the business persons to attract their target customers towards their products through valuable mode of promotion and communications. This paper investigates consumer attitudes to commercialization of the Internet, and specifically focuses on Internet users’ belief and attitudes about internet advertising. Data collected was analyzed using SPSS 17 version. Various statistical tools like mean, standard deviation, t test were employed. The major findings is internet advertisement have a significantly positive influence on consumer attitudes.  

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S. Chandra Vathana Nila,Dr. N.Kalyana Raman Consumer Attitude Towards Internet Advertisement Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.III March 2013

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