Volume : IV, Issue : V, May - 2014

Construction Risk Identification and Assessment

Ms. Sowmya Rao G. S, Prof. V. Srinivasaraghavan

Abstract :

Risks are unavoidable in almost every construction project. Risks have a significance influence on successful & smooth completion of a construction project, whether it is building projects, civil works or any other type of construction works. The present research aims in identifying risk factors that effects the smooth completion of the project. A total of 95 risk factors were identified and listed under nine subgroups. Based on the risk factors questionnaire was prepared and was filled by ten contractors, ten owners, ten project management experts, having wide experience in the construction field. The result gives top ten risk factors which is analysed using Relative Important Index (RII). The research also concludes that there is a strong correlation between Consultant Specific (CNS) and Project Manager Specific (PMS) having Pearson Coefficient of 0.886, which is with the aid of Statistical Product & Service Solution (SPSS).  

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Ms. Sowmya Rao G.S, Prof. V. SrinivasaRaghavan Construction Risk Identification and Assessment Indian Journal of Applied Research, Volume.4, Issue.5, May-2014

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