Volume : I, Issue : VI, March - 2012

Construction of a Knowledge Test for Tennis Players

Sanjay Singh, Sani Kumar Verma

Abstract :

The purpose of the study was the Construction of a Knowledge Test for Tennis Players. The fifty tennis players were randomly selected to serve as subjects from Gwalior Chambal Tennis Association, Gwalior. The age of the subjects was ranged between 14 to 21 years. All the subjects had regular theoretically classes during which different aspects of the game of tennis was theoretically explained. The test contents comprised of various aspects of tennis game with – Rules and their interpretation, history, tactics & techniques as adopted by International Tennis Federation (I.T.F.). The knowledge test was consisted of objective type questions on rules of tennis with its interpretations, history, tactics & technique in relation to the game of Tennis. Objective knowledge test was first administered to ten subjects to determine the clarity of question items and on that basis question items were refined. Then a trial run of the test was administered to all the subjects, which they answered in the allotted time period. These response sheets were then evaluated. This was used to make decision about individual test item within the test as well as the worthiness of the test as a whole. For analyzing this difficulty rating and index of discrimination were employed. Using split halves method, a correlation between the odd and even numbered items was established. The Spearman – Brown Prophecy Formula was used. Finding of the study revealed that Eight items were eliminated on the basis of difficulty rating, which contained items answered correctly by the students above 80 percent and below 20 percent, Twelve items were discarded on the basis of index of discrimination in which poor students did well or better than upper group, A total of 16 questions were deleted depending upon the results of item analysis and the revised test contained 44 objectives type questions in Tennis Knowledge Test.

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Sanjay Singh, Sani Kumar Verma Construction of a Knowledge Test for Tennis Players Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.I, Issue.VI March 2012

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