Volume : VI, Issue : I, January - 2016

Constraints of Grape Cultivators In Karnataka: A Study of Bijapur Distict

Dr. A. S. Shiralashetti, Mr. Mahesh Hadapad

Abstract :

Horticulture has gained importance in recent years as an important component of agriculture in India. Among all grape cultivation is given importance as fruit is used for several purposes. In recent years the Karnataka’s share in total production of grapes has reduced drastically. This paper attempts to find out the major constraints faced by the farmers and provide suggestions to overcome the constraints. The majority of the farmers are illiterate and experience shortage of water for irrigation. Very high rate of interest, low price for the output, lack of co–operative marketing, non–maintenance of cost records, lack of technical knowledge are the problems face by the farmers.

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Dr. A.S. Shiralashetti, Mr.Mahesh Hadapad Constraints of Grape Cultivators in Karnataka: A Study of Bijapur Distict Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 1 January 2016

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