Volume : IV, Issue : VIII, August - 2014

Constraints Faced by Farm Women in Soil and Water Resource Conservation: A Case Study

Dr. Neeta Khandelwal, Dr. Harish Gupta

Abstract :

To recognize and quantify the importance and occurrence of several adoption constraints in the Udaipur district of Rajasthan, pre–designed interview schedule was used to collect data from 100 tribal and 100 non–tribal farm women regarding soil and water conservation (SWC) techniques. Important adoption triggers appraised such as limited fertile land availability, lack of training, faulty site selection and inadequate subsidy etc. consequently; the regions SWC adoption rate was low. Level of constraints for soil conservation faced by tribal women was slightly higher than that of non–tribal women albeit similar in water management. The calculated Z–value for constraints encountered in management of soil (2.95) & water (0.17) were respectively greater & lesser than tabulated Z value. Thus, it was deduced that differences were prevalent only with regard to soil constraints between tribal and non–tribal women.

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Dr. Neeta Khandelwal, Dr. Harish Gupta Constraints Faced by Farm Women in Soil and Water Resource Conservation: A Case Study Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue.8 August 2014

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