Volume : VII, Issue : VIII, August - 2017

Congenital Fenestrated Diaphragms of Gut.

Dr A Suyodhan Reddy, Dr Dattaguru R Kulkarni

Abstract :


Congenital gastrointestinal (GI) diaphragm are uncommon causes of intestinal obstruction. We review our experience and discuss the mode of presentation, diagnostic difficulties, associated anomalies and intraoperative surgical maneuvers to diagnose and treat these rare anomalies.

Methods and Methods

This is a retrospective review of 21 patients with congenital GI diaphragms at a tertiary care teaching hospital. The demography and the clinical spectrum was analyzed.


There were 13 boys and 8 girls, presenting from birth to 4 years. The major symptom was vomiting 17(81%), 6(28%) children had failure to thrive, 2 children had visible peristalsis, 1 abdominal distension, 1 constipation, and 1 absent anus. Ultrasonography and Radiological Investigations was done in all cases. All children underwent surgery. There were 11 duodenal, 5 gastric diaphragms, 1 jejunal, 2 ileal and 2 rectal congenital diaphragms. Mean duration of surgery was 105 min (60–180 min), commencement of feeding 4 (3–7days) and average hospital stay was 9 days(7–21days)There is no mortality in this series.


The clinical presentation of gastrointestinal diaphragms is variable depending on the site and the size fenestration of the diaphragm. They may be diagnosed antenatally on ultrasonography or may present with recurrent vomiting and/or failure to thrive. We propose to investigate all cases of unexplained recurrent vomiting by contrast study and institute appropriate treatment.

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Dr A Suyodhan Reddy, Dr Dattaguru R Kulkarni, Congenital Fenestrated Diaphragms of Gut., INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume‾7 | Issue‾8 | August‾2017

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