Volume : V, Issue : II, February - 2015

Concomitant Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy and Splenectomy in Sickle Cell Disease:a Case Report

Dr. Aachi Srinivas, Dr. P. Adarsh

Abstract :

Sickle cell disease is a hereditary hemolytic anaemia leading to abnormal shaped redcells (sickle shape) leading to excessive sequestration of red cells in the spleen. we present a 28 year old male patient with pain in the right hypochondrium,jaundice,anaemia and pyrexia of 10 days duration History of multiple blood transfusions.Haemogram suggested sickle cell disease and confirmed by haemoglobin electrophoresis.USG of the abdomen revealed multiple gall stones,mild hepatomegaly.Spleen was markedly decreased in size measuring 3.16 x 4.66 cm with dense calcification in the entire parenchyma.( autosplenectomy) concominant laparoscopic cholecystectomy and splenectomy was performed in our patient.

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Dr.Aachi Srinivas, Dr.P.Adarsh Concomitant Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy and Splenectomy in Sickle Cell Disease:a Case Report Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 2 February 2015

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