Volume : VIII, Issue : IX, September - 2018


Prof. Dr. Keshab Chandra Barman

Abstract :

Ocular physiology is a core knowledge component for these disciplines and yet is often difficult to understand. However, this study clearly conveys the simple elegance of relationship between structure and function that is hallmark of understanding the physiology of the eye. In Ayurvedic classics it is clearly mentioned that the eyeball is composed of PanchaMahabhutas and Dhatus structurally. Moreover it is also mentioned that the physiological activities of the eye, eg. Formation as Aqueous humour (Tejajala) and its drainage, physiology of vision etc. are find out from the normal physiological function of the different dosas, dhatus&srotas etc. Through this study a strong emphasis is placed on understanding the normal function of the ocular tissues, so that the student of Ayurvedic Science can understand how dysfunction can lead to ocular diseases.

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Prof. (Dr.) Keshab Chandra Barman, CONCEPT OF OCULAR PHYSIOLOGY IN AYURVEDA, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-9 | September-2018

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