Volume : IV, Issue : IX, September - 2014

Computer Aided Simulation to Study the Effect of Atmospheric Turbulence on Ideal Gaussian Laser Beam Using Matlab and Lab–View

Amit Kumar Singh, Mr. Anand Mohan

Abstract :

Gaussian Beam is a beam of electro–magnetic radiation whose traverse (Electric field & Intensity) disturbance are well approximated by Gaussian Function. In this paper, we simulated the effect of the atmospheric turbulence on the propagation of an ideal Gaussian Beam. To do this we created a Kolmogorov phase screen and integrated with an Ideal Gaussian Beam Using MATLAB and Lab–VIEW Integration. This will help in great deal to understand the propagation of laser beams in turbulent atmosphere with graphical appearance i.e., Beam Profiling. . Lab–VIEW (Laboratory Virtual Instrumentation Engineering Workbench) is a graphical programming language where flow of data determines the execution. A number of applications have been built using the Lab–VIEW like: Robotics, Instrumentation and Control, Signal processing etc. For the integration of MATLAB Program in Lab–VIEW We used LabVIEW Mathscript RT Module.

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Amit Kumar Singh, Mr. Anand Mohan Computer Aided Simulation to Study the Effect of Atmospheric Turbulence on Ideal Gaussian Laser Beam Using Matlab and Lab-View Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue.9 September 2014

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