Volume : V, Issue : III, March - 2015

Comprehensive review of near surface mounted technique used in Flexural

Parth D. Shahand, Prof. Yashwant Sinhzala

Abstract :

Significant research on strengthening reinforced concrete (RC) structure with Near–surface mounted (NSM) fiber–reinforced polymer (FRP) reinforcement has been done in recent years.Strengthening issue solved by use of this NSM FRP reinforcement include the optimization of construction details, models for the bond behaviour between NSM FRP and concrete, reliable design methods for flexural and shear strengthening, and the maximization of the advantages of this technique.This paper provides a comprehensive review of existing research in this area, and outlines directions for further research.

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Parth D. Shahand, Prof.Yashwant sinhzala Comprehensive review of near surface mounted technique used in Flexural Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 3 March 2015

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