Volume : IV, Issue : VI, June - 2014

Composition and Biodiversity of Rotifer Population in Godavari River

Bharati G. Kolhe, Shinde S. M. , Rane M. S. ,

Abstract :

In the present investigation variation in rotifer population of Godavari river from Nashik, (M.S.) India from four different study stations were analyzed from May 2009 to April 2010. During the study period total 24 rotifer species belonging to 17 genera were found. The most quantitatively genera Brachionus were the main and significantly abundant genera, represented by 6 species. Monthly population density of rotifera showed its peak during December while least in August at study station IV.

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Bharati G. Kolhe, Shinde S. M., Rane M. S., Composition and Biodiversity of Rotifer Population in Godavari River Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue.VI June 2014

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