Volume : I, Issue : IX, June - 2012

Competencies for HR Professionals

Gayathri. M

Abstract :

HR professionals may struggle with perceptions regarding their effectiveness in the workplace by line managers, top management, and even the employees they serve. The traditional role of HR was that of the “back–office boys” who held “staff” roles and supported the initiatives of the line functions. In the emerging environment, the value of HR is only as much as the business–value it can create. Obviously, they need to add new competencies to their roles; moreover they will have to oaden their core, technical, and professional competencies. They strive to enhance their roles within organizations, and find many challenges associated with HR leadership. In order to be a leader of HR function, they need to make decisions and implement programs based on the competencies which they possess that generate positive results and outcomes for the business.

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GAYATHRI. M Competencies for HR Professionals Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.I, Issue.IX June 2012

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