Volume : V, Issue : II, February - 2015

Comparitive study of management of missed abortion with oral and vaginal misoprostol

K. Sreelatha, K. Kavitha, B. Prathima

Abstract :

Missed abortion is commonly encountered problem in day to day obstetrics.Traditionally,missed abortion is treated by surgical evacuation which involves the potential anaesthetic complications,surgical morbidity to the patient,future cervical incompetence.Misoprostol is introduced as a new armamentarium in medical management of missed abortion. It may be administered by oral or vaginal routes.The present study is undertaken to compare the efficacy of the drug by both the routes. Methodology 100 cases of missed abortion in the late first trimester and early second trimester were selected or the study and were divided into two groups of 50 each.One group was given oral misoprostol and the other, vaginal.They were subjected to randomized prospective comparative study in terms of complete abortion rate,induction abortion interval, influence of parity and gestational age on the response to drug . Results Complete abortion rate in vaginal group was 72% and in the oral route was 12%.Induction abortion interval was 12.24hrs with vaginal route,as compared to 17.58hrs in oral route. Complete abortion rate was better in gestational age group of 12–14wks in both the routes. Conclusion Termination of missed abortion by using vaginal misoprostol is safe and far superior to oral misoprostol

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K.Sreelatha, K.Kavitha, B.Prathima Comparitive study of management of missed abortion with oral and vaginal misoprostol Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 2 February 2015

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