Volume : VI, Issue : VIII, August - 2016

Comparison of Ziehl–Neelsen technique with Gene–Xpert MTB/RIF assay in sputum samples for diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis.

Dr. Sudhamani. S, Dr. Manthan Patel

Abstract :

 Background: Tuberculosis (TB) continues to be a global problem. Rapid, accurate diagnostic test for detection of active tuberculosis is the need of the hour, especially in endemic countries like India. GeneXpert assay is an automated real–time PCR method for the diagnosis of pulmonary TB and has the promise to become a complementary method for standard sputum microscopy and culture techniques. Methods: A total of 205 sputum samples of suspected pulmonary TB were studied for a period of 8 months. All the samples are studied by both ZN, Gene–Xpert & culture techniques and results compared with statistical analysis. Result: AFB smear examination showed 94.02% sensitivity among patients with positive Gene–Xpert/RIF assay & culture; 97.3% specificity along with 98.2% PPV and NPV 92.57%. Conclusion: With the high sensitivity, specificity and rapidity Gene–Xpert assay is not only comparable to standard reference methods of sputum microscopy and culture, but also has the potential to emerge as an alternative to these techniques.

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Dr. Sudhamani. S, Dr. Manthan Patel Comparison of Ziehl–Neelsen technique with Gene–Xpert MTB/RIF assay in sputum samples for diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis. Indian Journal of Applied Research,Volume : 6 | Issue : 8 | August 2016

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