Volume : VI, Issue : VII, July - 2016


Dr. Kapil Dev Mathur, Dr. Satveer Singh

Abstract :

 Quantitative electroencephalography holds important role in some organic ain diseases. But It’s use is limited in psychiatric disorders like schizophrenia. Previous findings with the schizophrenia were not very consistent with clinical picture of patients. There is definitely altered ain structure in schizophrenia than healthy subjects. The aim of our study is to determine a specific pattern of qEEG for schizophrenia patients which can be useful in early diagnosis and for prognosis. Drug naïve newly diagnosed 28 schizophrenia and 32 healthy subjects were gone through 300 seconds eye close supine resting EEG recording over 20 electrodes. Recorded data analyzed by fast Fourier transformation, and then absolute power analyzed by applying unpaired t– test. Schizophrenia Patients showed increased theta and beta activity then healthy subjects. This could be potentially used in early diagnosis and for prognosis of schizophrenia.

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Dr. Kapil Dev Mathur, Dr. Satveer Singh COMPARISON OF QUANTITATIVE ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAPHY OF SCHIZOPHRENIA PATIENTS WITH HEALTHY CONTROLS Indian Journal of Applied Research,Volume : 6 | Issue : 7 | July 2016

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