Volume : IV, Issue : VIII, August - 2014

Comparison of Normal Concrete Pavement with Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete Pavement

Dr. Deepa Sinha, Prof. C. B. Mishra, Ravindra V. Solanki

Abstract :

In India, owing to rapid engines of growth in infrastructure and tremendous rise in highly laden vehicles on limited road space demands road to withstand high stresses with minimum maintenance. Pavements made of concrete provide durable service life and has remarkable application under heavy traffic loading. In this paper an attempt is made to evaluate the compressive strength and flexural strength with and without steel fibers. Also the stresses are worked out. The test results shows that steel fiber reinforced concrete is an excellent new type of composIn India, owing to rapid engines of growth in infrastructure and tremendous rise in highly laden vehicles on limited road space demands road to withstand high stresses with minimum maintenance. Pavements made of concrete provide durable service life and has remarkable application under heavy traffic loading. In this paper an attempt is made to evaluate the compressive strength and flexural strength with and without steel fibers. Also the stresses are worked out. The test results shows that steel fiber reinforced concrete is an excellent new type of composite material compared with ordinary concrete as thickness of road is reduced without affecting the load carrying capacity and is a cost effective technology. Considerable changes in temperature stress values are noted too.

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Dr. Deepa Sinha, Prof. C.B. Mishra, Ravindra V. Solanki Comparison of Normal Concrete Pavement with Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete Pavement Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue.8 August 2014

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