Volume : V, Issue : II, February - 2015

Comparison of Intravenous Bolus Ephedrine Phe–Nylephrine and Mephentermine for Maintenance of Arterial Pressure During Spinal Anaesthesia in Caesarean Section

Dr. D. V. Rama Siva Naik, Dr. Murali Prabhakar

Abstract :

Context: Comparison of intravenous bolus ephedrine phenylephrine and mephentermine for maintenance of arterial pressure during spinal anaesthesia in caesarean section. AIM: To Comparison of intravenous bolus ephedrine phenylephrine and mephentermine for maintenance of arterial pressure during spinal anaesthesia in caesarean section. Settings and Design: The present Prospective Randomizedstudy was carried out in a tertiary care teaching hospital. A total of 60 American society of Anaerianearnesthesiologist physical status I and II paients aged about 20 to 30 Years pregnant women posted for elective cease–ran and emergency ceaserian section under spinal anaesthesia were enrold in the study. Pa–tients were randomly devided in to three groups. Group P (phenylephrine) Group E (ephe–drine) Group M (mephentermine) with 20 patients in each group. Materials and Methods: group P received 100 ug I v bolus Group E received ephedrine 6 mg I v bolus and group M 6mg in 1ml I v bolus. Statistical Analysis Used: Comparitibility of groups are analyzed with analysis variance test to analyzed parametric data ‘P’ value < 0.05 was considered significant. Results: The systolic and diastolic arterial pressure were decreased statistically significant (P<0.001) at the onset of Hypotension and increases after bolus dose of drug , in all the three groups heart rate variable in deferent groups in pre and post surgery drug values. Conclusion: we have found that the phenylephrine, ephedrine and mephentermine are ef–fective in I v bolus form in maintanace of arterial pressure within 20% limit of base line though phenylephrine has quicker peak effect in coparission to ,ephedrine and mephenter–mine and it causes reduction in heart rate which may be advantageous in cardiac patients and patientsin whom tachycardia is undesirable.

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Dr.D.V.Rama Siva Naik,Dr.Murali Prabhakar Comparison of Intravenous Bolus Ephedrine PheNylephrine and Mephentermine for Maintenance of Arterial Pressure During Spinal Anaesthesia in Caesarean Section Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 2 February 2015

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