Volume : III, Issue : V, May - 2013

Comparison of Banking Profile of Gujarat with other Selected States and National Level

H. M. Shah, A. J. Rajyaguru

Abstract :

The commercial banks influence ability to save by helping different business units in earning income. The role of commercial banks in current strategy of developing country is different from the traditional setting. They have to serve as an important catalyst in the economic and social transformation of the economy. In short, the growth of the economy is tied with the growth of the commercial bank in economy. So an attempt has been made to represent the picture of real economy using financial statistics for the year 2004–05. Comparison of the performance of the state of Gujarat with other selected states and national level through information available from banking statistics has been made. Some of the findings are as under: 1. In spite of 22% higher per capita net state domestic product compared to that of India, the average deposit of Gujarat is just 2% higher than that of all India level. This reflects that the higher per capita net state domestic product is not resulting into higher level of saving in bank. 2. The lower share of current account deposits of the state vis–à–vis those of all India may be considered as low economic activities through bank. 3. CD ratio of Gujarat is also lower than that of all India level.  

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H. M. Shah, A. J. Rajyaguru Comparison of Banking Profile of Gujarat with other Selected States and National Level Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.V May 2013

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