Volume : VI, Issue : I, January - 2016

Compare The Efficacy Of Lidocaine 5% And Benzocaine 5%, With EMLA 5% Cream As The Standard Product

Dr. Navubha Sodha

Abstract :

Introduction: Pain management facilitates accomplishment of many medical procedures like blood sampling and injections particularly for children vaccination and laser hair re¬moval. Fixing intravenous catheters in patients causes anxiety and leads to some reactions like hypotension, vasovagal shock, syncope, and unconsciousness. Material & Method: Total of 80 adult volunteers (50 women, 30 men) with a mean age of 35 years, participated in this study. Subjects with a history of allergy to amide or ester anesthetics, cardiac or respiratory disease, seizure disorders, or neuropathy were excluded. Exclusion criteria also included pregnancy and age less than 18 years. Informed consent was obtained. Results & Conclusions: pain intensity after using EMLA 5% cream was significantly less than after using the two other products. No significant difference was observed between pain intensity between lidocaine 5% and benzocaine 5% creams (P = 0.66). In addition, there was no hypersensitivity reaction or any other side effects after using these products on the injection area. our results suggest that a reservoir of anesthetic is located and stored in the upper skin layers during application, providing additional anesthetic benefit 30 minutes after removal.

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Dr. Navubha Sodha Compare the Efficacy of Lidocaine 5% and Benzocaine 5%, with Emla 5% Cream as the Standard Product Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 1 January 2016

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