Volume : VIII, Issue : V, May - 2018

Comparative Study on Occurrences of Cadaveric Myocardial Bridges

Amit Kumar, Koushik Saha, Anju Shrivastava

Abstract :

Introduction: Myocardial idges are frequent congenital anomaly and related with various cardiac diseases. Bundles of muscle fibers overlying the intra myocardial segment of an epicardialcoronary artery are termeda myocardial idge.


Objectives: The aim of study was comparative occurences of myocardial idges over different anches of Right and Left coronary arteries.


Material & Methods: In the present study total 50 adult cadaveric hearts were included irrespective of sex from embalmed cadavers preserved in 10% formalin. Coronary arteries and their anches were traced with the help of scalpel, scissor, blunt forcep, arteryforcep and mosquito forceps.


Observation & Conclusion: Overall occurrence of myocardial idges was found 28%. Impedance was more common in Left coronary artery (28%) as compared to Right coronary artery (6%) with highest prevalence in middle one third of Anterior inter ventricular artery (14%). Myocardial idges are associated with various cardiac diseases.


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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijar  

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Amit Kumar, Koushik Saha, Anju Shrivastava, Comparative Study on Occurrences of Cadaveric Myocardial Bridges, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-5 | May-2018

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