Volume : VI, Issue : II, February - 2016

Comparative study of risk of development of Diabetes Mellitus in Hypothyroid & Euthyroid subjects

Dr. K. Balaji, Dr. Sukanya Mukherjee

Abstract :

Background : There may be a link between diabetes and thyroid diseases, the American Diabetes Association (ADA) has proposed that people with diabetes be checked for thyroid disorders In the light of the above facts, this work intends to see the possible link of Impaired glucose tolerance with hypothyroid subjects. Objective : To study the oral glucose tolerance test in hypothyroid patients. Methodology :A total of 101 cases – 22 males and 79 females within the age of 21 to 54 years, were included in this study.The blood samples collected from the subjects were analysed for the estimation Serum T3 , T4 ,& fasting & post prandial glucose estimation for OGTT. Data was analysed using appropriate statistical analysisResults:FBS & PPBS levels in hypothyroids show a statistically significant increase (p value 0.003) when compared to Euthyroids. Overall in all hypothyroid cases (n=51) the prevalence of IGT is 49% (n =25) (odds ratio 3.84, P value <0.001)& in all euthyroid controls (n= 50) the prevalence of IGT is 20% (n= 10).Conclusion:Impaired glucose tolerance is found to be more prevalent in hypothyroids. IGT imply that Hypothyroidism are more prone to develop Type 2 DM. Hence, Hypothyroids should be monitored regularly for glucose levels

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Dr.K.Balaji, Dr.Sukanya Mukherjee Comparative Study of Risk of Development of Diabetes Mellitus in Hypothyroid & Euthyroid Subjects Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 2 February 2016

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