Volume : IV, Issue : VI, June - 2014

Comparative study of motivational factors affecting Male and Female Entrepreneurs

Dr. . Veena M. D Almeida

Abstract :

A nation’s ability to generate a steady stream of business opportunities can only come about when its people take to entrepreneurial activities. Entrepreneurs are essentially the engines of growth for a nation. There are several factors that go into making a successful entrepreneur, and he or she need not necessarily possess a strong business and financial background. Significant growth in the number of women employed outside has created a new field of research: Are female entrepreneurs different from their male counterparts? It is clear that male and female entrepreneurs have few things in common. Although some of the background and personality characters are quite similar between the sexes, there are striking differences between them in terms of motivation.

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Dr.. Veena M. D’Almeida Comparative study of motivational factors affecting Male and Female Entrepreneurs Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue.VI June 2014

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