Volume : III, Issue : V, May - 2013

Comparative Study of Claim Settlement Ratio of LIC with other Insurance Companies in India

Minal Kalani, Harshal A. Salunkhe, Mukesh B. Ahirrao

Abstract :

In this paper authors study of claim settlement ratio of LIC with other insurance company in India for year 2009– 10, 10–11 & 11–12. & to know about customer opinions of LIC policy holder related to claim settlement policy with help of small survey in Jalgaon anch. Primary data collected through Interaction with the staff members in corporation & questionnaire filled by LIC customers and secondary data through published reports, newspapers, journals, & websites. The LIC is India number one insurance company who has very low claim pending ratio & very high claim settlement ratio with compare to other insurance companies in India. The maximum customers are satisfied with existing claim settlement policy of LIC

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Minal Kalani, Harshal A. Salunkhe, Mukesh B. Ahirrao Comparative Study of Claim Settlement Ratio of LIC with other Insurance Companies in India Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.V May 2013

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