Volume : V, Issue : III, March - 2015

Comparative Evaluation of the Efficacy of Three Different Dental Materials in SealingFurcation Perforation

Dhanya Narasimhan, Priyadarshini Hegde, Mithra . N. Hegde

Abstract :

Aim– To compare the sealing ability of Biodentin ,MTA Angelus, and GIC to repair furcation perforation when used with and without an internal matrix ( collagen) | Materials and Methodology : Eighty extracted human mandibular first molars were divided into two control groups (n=10),and three experimental groups (n=20) according to the repair material used i.e Biodentine, MTA– Angelus and GIC . Each experimental group was divided into two subgroups (n=10) according to whether internal matrix was used or not before perforation repair. The efficacy f repair material was assess using dye extraction method using absorption spectrophotometer | Results: Biodentin with interal matrix (0.109) and MTA–Angelus(0.115) with internal matrix showed least dye leakage .GIC with(0.18)and without internal matrix(0.19) showed most dye absorbance . Biodentin (0.134) and MTA –Angelus (0.144) showed intermediate dye absorbance . | Conclusion :Collagen as internal matrix memane improves the sealing ability of MTA and BIODENTIN which also have better perforation sealing ability than GIC

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Dhanya Narasimhan, Priyadarshini Hegde, Mithra . N.Hegde Comparative Evaluation of the Efficacy of Three Different Dental Materials in Sealing Furcation Perforation� �an in-Vitro Study Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 3 March 2015

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