Volume : VI, Issue : II, February - 2016


Priyanka Jain, Sushila Pareek

Abstract :

 People suffering from skin diseases may suffer serious social and emotional consequences. The purpose of this research was to compare patients suffering from acne, alopecia areata (AA) and melanosis on perceived stress, social appearance anxiety and coping. The study included 120 patients ages ranged from 15 to 25 years from Jaipur, Rajasthan. Perceived Stress Scale (PSS), Social Appearance Anxiety Scale (SAAS), and The Brief COPE were administered to the patients. Analytical evaluation was done by Kruskal Wallis and ANOVA–tests.The results of the present study clearly revealed that perceived stress and social appearance anxiety were highest in patients with AA followed by acne patients and found least in patients with melanosis. Significant results were also found in relation to coping. This study is an attempt to increase awareness regarding the difficulties that patients with skin diseases can face

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Priyanka Jain, Sushila Pareek Comparative Analysis of the Psychosocial Impact of Skin Diseases Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 2 February 2016

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