Volume : IV, Issue : III, March - 2014

Comparative analysis of retail banking between private sector and public sector banks in Odisha

Dr. Lalata K Pani, Sukhamaya Swain

Abstract :

With the massive expansion of the private sector banks in the state, one would observe the anches and offices of private sector banks close to or besides public sector banks even in rural or semi-urban location. When it comes to technology or technological offerings, we have public sector banks at par with the offerings of the private sector peers. In the state, we have limited presence of foreign banks however their offerings are not missed because all the banks in the private and public sector domain offer the same set of facilities. Employees of banks may not be aware of a technological offerings but a glance into the website of each of the banks present out here gives a clear insight into the fact that the offerings are in the same platter. This ings the mute question i.e. what distinguishes the public sector banks from their private sector peers in the retail banking space. The area of research for this paper is limited to that of retail banking because of the variety of customers involved and the variety of service / product expectation from these customers

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Dr. Lalata K Pani, Sukhamaya Swain Comparative analysis of retail banking between private sector and public sector banks in Odisha Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue. III

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