Volume : III, Issue : VII, July - 2013

Comparative Analysis of Reporting Pattern of English and Tamil Dailies of Tamil Nadu on the depiction of Conflict: Special reference to Police Lawyer Conflict in Madras High court

T. Joseph Benziger, V. Sundareswaran

Abstract :

The conflicts in the society are as old as the society itself. In any society or nation–state, the resolutions of conflict, and restoration of normalcy is a cyclic process, which can be controlled by inculcating the values of coexistence and syncretism among the citizens. Media of all types has one of the most important roles in promotion and establishing the principle of non–violence in conflict resolution. Media propagates the message and values directly. It creates big impact among people. With the availability of audio–visual, audio media with print media, the importance of media has grown many–fold. At on set the core objectives of the study are compare and analyze the depiction of conflict in the Tamil and English newspapers of Tamil Nadu; to study the significant similarity and differences between the Tamil and English newspapers reporting pattern on conflict and communal harmony; to compare the news presentation style of Popular Tamil and English newspapers of Tamil Nadu with reference to Police–lawyer conflict.

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T. Joseph Benziger, V. Sundareswaran Comparative Analysis of Reporting Pattern of English and Tamil Dailies of Tamil Nadu on the depiction of Conflict: Special reference to Police Lawyer Conflict in Madras High court Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.VII July 2013

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