Volume : III, Issue : IV, April - 2013

Comparative Analysis of Channel Fading Models in Wireless Sensor Networks

Ms. Namrata Atre, Dr. Dhiiraj Nitnawrre

Abstract :

Fading and interference are the major performance degrading factors in wireless/mobile communications. In order to improve and test the system’s effectiveness to resist fading, we significantly need to model and simuate the communication scenario under some fading channel for designing of a communication system. The characteristic of fading channel is diverse and complex for different propagation environments. Therefore, appropriate fading model for a particular communication scenario is essential in this regard. Rayleigh fading and Ricean fading models are the most commonly used small scale models in wireless communication till date. But after the advent of mobile radio communication, the design of a scenario has been changed to implement mobility of transmitter or receiver. Thus we need to change the fading model as well. This paper helps to compare different fading models– Rayleigh fading, Ricean fading and fast– Rayleigh fading using QualNet Developer 4.5.1. The simulation results show that Fast Reyleigh Fading model is best suited for mobile radio environments which suffer dense fading

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Ms. Namrata Atre, Dr. Dhiiraj Nitnawrre Comparative Analysis of Channel Fading Models in Wireless Sensor Networks Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.IV April 2013

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