Volume : IV, Issue : VIII, August - 2014

Comparative Advertising: An Incentive or a Jeopardy

Puneet Bafna, Dr. G. S. Rajpurohit

Abstract :

The laws in India related to comparative advertising and product disparagement and the judicial pronouncements in this matter tend to accept comparative advertising as means of providing free competition to all manufacturing firms and service providers. This is permitted to the extent that the information given is honest, objective and can be verified and that this comparison must not denigrate or damage the integrity and reputation of the competitor’s product or services. This study reveals the fact that comparative advertising is a sword in the hands of the people who use it. On one hand it can be used as an incentive to arouse curiosity towards the product and persuade the consumers to buy it. On the other hand it can turn to be jeopardy if not used carefully as one can be sued by competitors for unfair comparison.

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Puneet Bafna, Dr. G.S.Rajpurohit Comparative Advertising: An Incentive or a Jeopardy Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue.8 August 2014

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