Volume : VII, Issue : IV, April - 2017

Comparative Accuracy of HRCT and Chest Radiography in the Diagnosis of Interstitial Lung Diseases: A Hospital Based Study

Arun A, Sathish Babu S, Mahtab Yeganagi, Sakshi Mittal

Abstract :

 Background: Interstitial lung diseases can be diagnosed by using various methods. Early diagnosis of ILD can help the physician to improve the patient’s condition and decrease the morbidity and mortality. Chest radiographs and HRCT can be used to detect these diseases. The present study was conducted to compare the accuracy of chest radiography and HRCT in the detection of various interstitial lung diseases. 

Materials and Methods

            This study was conducted in Department of Radiodiagnosis, Sree Mookambika Institute of Medical Sciences, Kulasekharam, Tamilnadu. A total of 40 patients were included in the study. This study was ethically approved by Institutional Human Ethics Committee. This study was conducted during the period of December 2015 to November 2016.Based on the study protocol; a total 40 patients were included in the study. All patients’ demographic and clinical data were collected and recorded in the performa sheet. All the selected patients were subjected to PA chest radiograph and HRCT for the detection of lung disease.


            Out of 40 cases, 4 were normal and 36 patients showed evidence of interstitial lung disease. Females outnumbered males in this study. Most of the patients were aged between 50–60 years. 4 cases showed normal findings in HRCT and 36 cases showed abnormalities in HRCT. But chest radiographs showed 7 normal cases and 33 abnormal cases. Sensitivity and specificity were less with radiographs compared to HRCT in the detection of interstitial lung disease.


            Chest radiographs and HRCT imaging were compared for detection of interstitial lung diseases. The study concluded that HRCT is more specific and sensitive than chest radiographs in the detection of interstitial lung diseases. 

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijar  

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Arun A, Sathish Babu S, Mahtab Yeganagi, Sakshi Mittal, Comparative Accuracy of HRCT and Chest Radiography in the Diagnosis of Interstitial Lung Diseases: A Hospital Based Study, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume‾7 | Issue‾4 | April-2017

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