Volume : IV, Issue : XI, November - 2014

Community Based Forest Management for Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Under Terai Arc Landscape Program in Nepal

Ram Prasad Lamsal, Dr. Sanjay Nath Khanal

Abstract :

Landscape approach in conservation has gained prominence to reconcile conservation and development tradeoffs and tends to generate impacts not only on conservation of biodiversity and ecosystem services, improvement of livelihoods but also on climate change. Using community forests ofTerai Arc Landscape (TAL) area of Nepal, this study (a) reviews an observed and perceived climate change impacts and (b) offers some community–based mitigation and adaptation techniques for curbing challenges with the issues on identification and assessment of impacts and (c) The study is based on literature reviews, field visits, case studies, participatory action research and forest inventory. This study illustrates the practice and outcomes landscape level conservation in Nepal as an approach to improve biodiversity conservation and natural resources management to minimize the negative impacts and reveals potentiality of adaptation and mitigation through biodiversity conservation and sustainable forest management.

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Ram Prasad Lamsal,Dr. Sanjay NathKhanal Community Based Forest Management for Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Under Terai Arc Landscape Program in Nepal Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue : 11 November 2014

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