Volume : VI, Issue : VI, June - 2016

Comics�A road map towards English Language Acquisition

Ms. Mary Jenif J

Abstract :

 English has become a universal language. Its presence and position in the world has expanded enormously in the recent decades. Many money–making industries such as BPO, Medical Transcription and IT add to the importance. So it is needless to say that English occupies a place of prestige in our country. Since the demand for the language is increasing day by day, everyone has become eager to learn English Language. But the twelve years of school education fails to give the indented outcome that is the fluency in speaking English. To achieve the fluency, Language Immersion in other words, creating an English atmosphere to learn the language will be of great help. This paper is an attempt to show, how comics could be used to attain language immersion in the primary school class rooms. Comics is a visual art, often paired along with writing. Nowadays comics is recognized as a distinct medium, capable of telling all kinds of stories and it has not only reached great quantity in sales, but also in diversity of genres. It has globally been superseded in popularity by newer media like television and Internet. With the help of this elevated medium, the teacher can immerse English Language in the class room because it will grab the attention of the children and triggers their mind. Once this is achieved, acquisition will be an easy task.

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Ms. Mary Jenif J Comics�A road map towards English Language Acquisition Indian Journal of Applied Research,Vol.6, Issue : 6 JUNE 2016

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