Volume : I, Issue : IX, June - 2012

Co–Relation of Social Justice with Human Rights: A Review

Dr. Monica Narang

Abstract :

Social Justice is the equality of all people getting everything may need to survive. This means that no matter who the people are, they will receive all what they require. Human and Social needs are specific necessity that people need. Their interconnection is the major characteristics of the Social Justice of People. According to John Rawls, “Justice is the first virtue of Social institutions. The role of justice is crucial to the understanding of Human right.” The principle of Justice provide way of assigning right and duties in the basic institutions in the society. The general concepts of justice behind the principle of justice is one of fairness. The concept of fairness and justice help to determine all social primary goals. Social justice is the integral part of justice in the generic sense, Justice is the genius of which social justice is one of the species.

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Dr. Monica Narang Co-Relation of Social Justice with Human Rights: A Review Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.I, Issue.IX June 2012

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